Elegido por un Berlin Experto local, le traemos nuestra guía para 'Mejores Atracciones en Berlín'.

Berlín es una ciudad fascinante con una rica historia y diversos puntos de interés para visitar. Estas son algunas de las mejores atracciones que no te puedes perder durante tu viaje a la capital de Alemania.

1. La Puerta de Brandeburgo: Este icónico monumento es un símbolo de la reunificación alemana y una parada obligatoria para los turistas.

2. La Isla de los Museos: Aquí encontrarás una impresionante colección de museos que albergan arte y artefactos históricos de renombre mundial.

3. El Muro de Berlín: Aunque la mayor parte del muro ha sido derribado, todavía hay secciones conservadas que sirven como recordatorio de la división de la ciudad.

4. La Catedral de Berlín: Esta majestuosa iglesia es un impresionante ejemplo de la arquitectura religiosa en la ciudad.

5. Checkpoint Charlie: Un lugar histórico que era un cruce entre Alemania del Este y del Oeste durante la Guerra Fría.

6. El Parque Tiergarten: Perfecto para relajarse, caminar o andar en bicicleta, este hermoso parque ofrece un oasis verde en el centro de la bulliciosa metrópolis.

7. Alexanderplatz: Una importante plaza pública que alberga tiendas, restaurantes y la famosa Torre de la Televisión, ofreciendo una vista panorámica de la ciudad.

Explora estas increíbles atracciones y sumérgete en la vibrante cultura de Berlín durante tu próxima visita a esta emocionante ciudad alemana. ¡No te arrepentirás!

Alltag in der DDR - Everyday Life in the GDR

Entitled Alltag in der DDR (Everyday Life in the GDR), this free exhibition offers a glimpse behind the Berlin Wall and provides a real insight into how the East German people lived under the yoke of the communist dictatorship. With over 600 square meters full of objects and artefacts you will be able to delve into the lives of real East Germans and learn how they made the most out of what they...

Berlin Wall Memorial - Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer

The Gedenkstätte Berliner Mauer, known in english as the Berlin Wall Memorial, is the main memorial site of the Berlin Wall.  It comprises a fantastic open air exhibition and memorial space at the original historic site along Bernauer Straße and also includes an information centre and a documentation centre. The U-Bahn station, Nordbahnhof, has a small but informative exhibition on Berli...

Chamäleon Theater Berlin

The Art Nouveau ballroom that houses the Chamäleon Theater in Berlin Mitte is a beautiful and traditional element of the Hackescher Höfe that has been restored to its former glory. This old ballroom is now a wonderfully intimate theatre which presents stunning shows melding new circus and physical theatre, with a focus on artistry and storytelling. You will find yourself holding your bre...

Tränenpalast - The Palace of Tears

The building with one of the most emotive names in Berlin, 'The Tränenpalast', or, 'The Palace of Tears', was built after the Berlin Wall was erected and was the main border crossing for West Berliners and West Germans entering and leaving East Berlin.  The building received its name for the heart wrenching farewells as families said goodbye to their loved ones as they returned to West Berli...

The Wall - Asisi Panorama Berlin

This Panorama, created by architect and artist Yadegar Asisi combines photographs, drawings and paintings together to create an immersive experience of the Berlin Wall depicting a typical Autumn day in the 1980's.  Asisi actually lived in Kreuzberg during the 80s and draws on his experiences and recollections to create a really unique and impressive experience. The panorama is breathtaking...

The Room - Live Escape Game Berlin

Launched in 2014, 'The Room' is quite simply, an outstanding example of the live room escape game.  Their games have been set up with a passion and experience which is second to none.  Upon entering you will be immediatly transported to to another world, with everything from the quality of the set design to the specially composed soundscape ensuring a truly immersive experience...

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